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One day, while sitting by a brook, an old man noticed a steady trickle of water hitting a rock. It was only a drip, but it was constant – drop after drop after drop. The old man observed something incredible: a hole had been carved out by that steady drip of water.


We can have that drip of water. I may be only one person, and you may not have the biggest budget, but what makes us the best and stand out the most is our drip of water. This drip trickles into millions of lives and changes the industry forever.


Hi there!

My name is Ezrie Myers, in 2017, I attended Santa Monica College for a degree in Marketing. While attending college, I built websites and helped small businesses grow through the marketing techniques I was learning in class. My specialty is helping companies expand their e-commerce businesses through rapid growth. I enjoy solving problems and helping companies thrive in harsh environments.

Within Utensil Empire Corp, I was brought in to take three Amazon company's and launch their B2B and B2C divisions outside of the Amazon marketplace. In addition, I've helped cultivate teams of developers, creatives, sales reps, and internship partners. As a result, these departments have launched into marketplaces online and in stores to help grow the business by 6%.


Being the E-commerce Project Director at Pet Food Distributors, I was able to help the company launch to five industry-recognized pet food suppliers. These companies include New York Bird, NYBS Wholesale, Global Pigeon, Happy Bird, and Nature's Harvest. Pet Food Distributors is one of the biggest
importers of European pet food, which sells on their websites, Amazon, Wal-Mart, and eBay.



A fast-growing small company provides excellent opportunities to perform. Some of my top accomplishments are as follows:

• Launching a writing Addicted Seller Central.

• Raised revenue to over 6% outside of Amazon

• Creation of 8 E-commerce websites.

• Researched B2B and B2C E-commerce marketplaces to be launched and monitored to increase sales.

• Developed Google AdWords and e-mail marketing programs bringing in $2,000,000 in net new sales.

• Implemented new system to help with WMS and Fulfillment addressing the increased orders created through my marketing efforts and E-commerce marketplaces.

• Bringing in a 25% rise in sales, a 100% rise from marketing through Google, e-mail, and social media. Launching and raising sales by 22% on Amazon.


I believe my skills and knowledge can help any company grow. My background speaks for itself, and my drive and hard-working mentality adds to any team.


My goal is to help each company I work with grow beyond their set space.





I look forward to speaking with you and seeing how I can help your company grow.

Ezrie Myers

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